By Sophie Vorrath in RenewEconomy on 20 February 2013
Yesterday we reported that Westpac had committed $6 billion in funding for clean technology and environmental services lending, as part of its newly launched five-year, $8 billion 2017 sustainability strategy.
Since then, RenewEconomy emailed Emma Herd – Westpac’s executive director of emissions and environment – to ask what.
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Monthly Archives: February 2013
On 19 February, 2013, Accenture (NYSE: ACN) announced it has exceeded its original Skills to Succeed goal of equipping 250,000 people around the world by 2015 with the skills to get a job or build a business. As a result – and to increase its impact in communities worldwide – the company has set a.
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The Westpac Group has launched its 2017 sustainability strategy aimed at addressing the most pressing issues in society and the environment today.
Three areas specifically targeted include:
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- Demographic and cultural change
- Economic solutions for environmental challenges
- Identifying new avenues of wealth creation
Last week signaled a shift in the involvement of the health and medical community in Australia's unhealthy dependence on fossil fuels. Health leaders met at a national Roundtable in Canberra in early February 2013. They resolved to engage more directly with energy policy in this country, to see that the local and global implications of.
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Are environmental impact assessments (EIAs) achieving what they were designed to achieve? Do they do a good job of protecting Australia’s diverse environments and their inhabitants for future generations? If not, what can be done to improve them?
Check out the full story by Bianca Nogrady in the March edition of ECOS - Science for Sustainability,.
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Lighting contributes approximately 15 to 25 % to business energy use and operating costs. The ever-increasing energy prices certainly have helped to highlight the need for businesses to reduce their costs of lighting. Energy use associated with lighting systems can be reduced by up to 82% if energy efficient lighting practices are adopted. Efficient lighting.
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By Alex Kirby
A leading UK university is launching a research programme to help businesses and policy-makers to protect themselves from investments which could be left worthless by climate change.
LONDON, 15 February – The University of Oxford has begun a programme of research to identify high-carbon sectors and assets that could be devalued or written off.
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General Motors doesn’t keep their energy reduction methods a secret. They've learned some lessons on how a company can cut its energy use. Read the top ten broad strategic energy tips written by Al Hildreth, the Energy Manager at General Motors for Green
General Motors.
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New era for sustainability jobs
Posted by Ngaire
According to Siobhan Toohill, a Green Building Council director and former sustainability head at Stockland, there’s a new stage of the sustainability revolution in the offing. The thinking right now is that the pioneering work, stage one, is done, and now it’s time for implementation, and perhaps less senior people can do that part of.
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