Monthly Archives: March 2013
While supply chains are becoming highly sophisticated and vital to the competitiveness of many companies their interlinked, global nature also makes them increasingly vulnerable to a range of risks.
The Ripple Effect, a new Deloitte global survey of 600 executives from manufacturing and retail companies around the world, examines the growing problems associated with supply chain.
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Dr Geoffrey Wells from the University of South Australia, has edited a new book entitled Read more
February 2013 - The World Bank has released a 2.5 minute video to convey the messages behind their "Turn Down the Heat" report released in November 2012.
WASHINGTON, November 18, 2012 – The world is barreling down a path to heat up by 4 degrees at the end of the century.
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24 January 2013: AIRAH has released its discussion paper, Transition to low-emission HVAC&R : Issues and solutions, for public and industry review (later finalised in March 2013). The paper is available at the “Resources” section of the AIRAH website,, with comments due by 5pm, Friday.
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