Monthly Archives: June 2013

By Brad Farrant, University of Western Australia; David Holmes, Monash University, and Mark G Edwards, University of Western Australia
Four months ago, the big media proprietors were fighting proposed federal government press reforms, arguing that “the press” needs freedom if it is to defend the public interest. But these arguments were raised.
By Kristian Handberg, Monash University
After a much-hyped return to the market in 2011, the shine has again worn off electric vehicles. High profile failures (such as the bankruptcy of charging infrastructure company Better Place) and poor sales of the vehicles themselves have bolstered the opinions of naysayers, who have variously referred.

By Tim Stephens
The Great Barrier Reef may have been spared the indignity of being listed as a World Heritage Area “in danger” this week, but the Reef’s woes are just beginning.
There are 962 properties on the world heritage list. Most of these are protected for their cultural values, while many, like the.