WWF-Australia today released a new report showing Australia's carbon budget is nearly blown and identified the need to significantly ramp up carbon pollution reduction targets. The findings come as the Climate Change Authority is due to release a critical report and independent recommendation on Australia’s carbon pollution targets before.
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Monthly Archives: October 2013
By Michael Howes, Griffith University
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You do not find many climate change sceptics on the end of [fire] hoses anymore… They are dealing with increasing numbers of fires, increasing rainfall events, increasing storm events. – A senior Victorian fire officer, interviewed in 2012 for a recent National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility report.There have.
By Carol A Adams, Monash University
Investors are increasingly interested in how companies manage non-financial — environmental and social — risks. And there is still substantial room for improvement. The recent Sustainability Reporting: Practices, Performance and Potential report compared the top 40 companies by size in Australia, Hong Kong and the UK, and found.
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By David Hodgkinson, University of Western Australia
This is part two of a three-part series that follows on from the release of the IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report), looking at emerging alternatives to the UN climate agreement process.
Since the climate change problem emerged as a major international issue in.
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By James Whitmore, The Conversation
We have some idea of what the future may look like under climate change, and now, thanks to new research, we have a better idea of when. The research, published today in Nature, shows that the world’s climate will have fundamentally changed by 2050 if we do nothing to.
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By Rachel Alembakis for The Sustainability Report, 27 September 2013: The United Nations Statistics Division has developed an experimental ecosystem accounting system to quantify ecosystem services and conditions in physical and monetary terms. Although the proposed accounting system is initially intended for governmental use, accounting professionals say that it could be used to develop accounting.
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Our climate system is collapsing, but international negotiations in Paris still hold out the best promise for change. Image: 350.org/Flickr[/caption]
By Ian McGregor,.
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