12 MAY 2016: Australia’s buildings can save billions of dollars and reach zero carbon emissions by 2050, with energy efficiency delivering over half the emissions reductions according to a new report by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC).
“Over the last decade energy efficiency delivered more than 100 petajoules in energy savings and $28 billion.
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Monthly Archives: June 2016
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Emma Herd, IGCC[/caption]
6 June 2016: The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) has published seven climate change policy priorities which investors believe are critical for managing risk and unlocking investment in low carbon finance opportunities.
“The seven policy priorities identified.
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At UN Environment Assembly Convening in Nairobi: UNEA/UNEP forum means governments agree to 25 landmark resolutions to drive sustainability agenda and Paris Climate Agreement.
Sat, May 28, 2016: At UN Environment Assembly Convening in Nairobi: Governments Agree to 25 Landmark Resolutions to Drive Sustainability Agenda.
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