Category Archives: News

[caption id="attachment_3208" align="alignright" width="231"][/caption] 8 July, 2014: A United Nations (UN) committee has released a report which will pave the way for a UN climate change summit in New York this September, in the lead up to international climate change negotiations at COP 21 in Paris, December.
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By Blair Palese, 29 May 2014 — A recent article in the Australian Financial Review suggested that the fossil fuel divestment message is falling on deaf ears in Australia, the backyard of the coal industry, despite significant wins internationally. A survey, commissioned by the Minerals Council of Australia, the peak advocacy body representing mining companies such.
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By Ian Lowe, Griffith University

In the lead-up to the budget, the story of crisis has been hammered home, but there’s more to a country than its structural deficit. So how is Australia doing overall? In this special series, ten writers to take a broader look at the State of Australia; our health, wealth, education,.

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Sustainable Business Australia and the Global Reporting Initiative welcome the introduction of a new provision for ASX listed companies to identify their environmental, social and economic risks. On 27 March 2014, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) released its revised Corporate Governance Guidelines, which include a new recommendation under Principle 7: Recognise and Manage Risk. The new.
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