A new report illustrates that zero emissions housing with tiny power bills could be achieved within ten years, mainstreaming green buildings across the community.
By Dominique Hes, University of Melbourne
8 August 2013: A new study says that all Australia’s existing housing could be retrofitted to be zero emissions within ten years. Households could halve their energy use.
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Category Archives: Sustainable business
By Katherine Christ, University of South Australia; Joanne Tingey-Holyoak, University of South Australia, and Roger Burritt, University of South Australia
With an increasingly complex assortment of green tape and initiatives such as emissions trading schemes, environmental issues are no longer solely associated simply with a corporate conscience; they are synonymous with business strategy.
On 2 August 2013, The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) announced the financing of several new solar projects at Port Augusta in South Australia, Moree in New South Wales and Beaudesert in South East Queensland.
Sundrop Farms have announced in-principle agreement for CEFC to co-finance a major greenhouse development near.
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24 July 2013
Food and drink businesses have saved £2.2 million by reducing their water consumption. The voluntary agreement, Federation House Commitment (FHC) run by WRAP, aimed at helping food and drink manufacturers reduce their water consumption, also delivered savings of 1.5 million mᵌ in the last year.
The 16.1% reduction in water use has been achieved.
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18th July 2013: CDP (previously known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) today announce an alliance that will achieve greater momentum towards the evolution of better.
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- Melbourne: Thursday, 8 August, 6:30PM at The Spot Basement Theatre, Melbourne University, 198 Berkely St Carlton. Read more
By Tim Greiner
Published 27 June 2013
For many companies, the vast majority of their impacts, risks and costs lie in the supply chain.
As a result, that’s where we can achieve the greatest improvements in sustainability and resiliency. With tools such as supplier scorecards, which can shine a light far back into the supply chain, companies.
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By Mark Weick and Sissel Waage
Published June 28, 2013
Corporate accounting may not sound like a domain that intersects neatly with environmental metrics. While this disjuncture has been historically true, it may be undergoing a 180-degree change.
The Dow Chemical Co. and other corporate decision-makers are looking at environmental metrics as important for incorporating into.
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Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) aren’t interested in sustainability just because of its potential as a cost-cutting tool. A respectable fraction of global CFOs surveyed also see a strong link between sustainability performance and financial performance according to a report by Deloitte University Press.
Short extract:
"The implications for CFOs themselves are clear: According to the survey, CFO.
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The UK's The Guardian has released a new ebook of sustainable business case studies for new subscribers to their online news service which is free to join.
The ebook contains case studies including the most innovative sustainability projects at companies such as SolarAid, BskyB and M&S.
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