4 December 2015: The National Energy Productivity Plan (NEPP) has been released by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council. Through the Plan, the Australian Government has set a National Energy Productivity Target to improve Australia’s energy productivity by 40% by 2030. The Plan presents a wide range of opportunities into a coordinated strategy.
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3 October 2014: Standards Australia has published three new Australian energy audit standards. The Australian Standards replace AS/NZS 3598:2000, Energy audits, and assist organisations to decide on the appropriate type of audit for their activities.
Energy audits are an integral part of the energy management process. They determine how efficiently energy is being consumed, identify energy.
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Did you miss the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Qld/ EcoBiz sustainable lighting webinar yesterday on lighting? No need to worry - access the recording here.
It was coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce (funded by the Queensland Government), facilitated by the University of Southern Queensland (Mike Gerlach) and delivered by.
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The Australian Government Department of Industry has appointed ACIL Allen Consulting to undertake an independent review of the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program.
The purpose of the review is to assess the CBD Program’s objectives, the effectiveness of the program in promoting energy efficiency and its interaction.
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By Lawrence Yu, JHA Consulting Engineers
4 September 2014: With round one of the Building Resilience to Climate Change program currently open in New South Wales, it is the perfect time for local government to prepare for future extreme heat waves by investigating possible upgrades for their.
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Energy efficiency certification
Posted by Ngaire

pitt&sherry, in conjunction with Swinburne University, is working with key stakeholders from Australia’s building industry to deliver recommendations for the National Energy Efficient Building Project (NEEBP).
Energy used in buildings accounts for approximately 20 per cent of Australia’s energy related greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Australian Building Codes Board.
As a result, the.
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By Kerry Burke, University of Newcastle
Renewable energy seems to be on a roll. One million Australian homes have rooftop solar cells. There’s so much renewable energy it’s reducing wholesale electricity prices. But then, that old chestnut pops up: reliability. How do we make energy when there’s no sun?
When the heat is on,.
By Chris Dunstan, University of Technology, Sydney
The traditional electricity industry has been stunned by the enthusiastic uptake of solar panels across the nation. Why? Because rapid uptake of rooftop solar power, solar hot water and energy efficiency technologies are eroding the profits of coal fired power stations, retailers and network businesses.
It’s no surprise.
A new report illustrates that zero emissions housing with tiny power bills could be achieved within ten years, mainstreaming green buildings across the community.
By Dominique Hes, University of Melbourne
8 August 2013: A new study says that all Australia’s existing housing could be retrofitted to be zero emissions within ten years. Households could halve their energy use.
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