The Carbon Market Institute, ClimateWorks Australia, Seed Advisory, Climate Mundial and Baker & McKenzie will launch their Carbon Decision Making and Risk Management: A Guide for Business in March 2013.
The Guide is designed to cut a clear path through what can seem a.
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Category Archives: Resources & links

Extract from IISD article: "Businesses keen to profit from the transition to sustainable development often have a longer time-horizon and a broader set of goals than traditional companies. Typically they are dissatisfied with the status quo and want to operate in a socially responsible manner, as well as protect the environment. They value the well-being.
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By Sara Bice, University of Melbourne
“Events over the past couple of years have raised profound questions about the ways in which banks and businesses contribute to society. For both to play their full part, they must restore trust and become better citizens in a publicly demonstrable way.” So writes disgraced Barclay’s CEO Bob Diamond.
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Cool Australia, an exciting Australian non-profit organisation, has just launched a new website that makes learning about sustainability about our environment easier than ever.
The website has an impressive range of free resources that are easy-to-use, and presented in a new format designed by teachers and students, for.
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While supply chains are becoming highly sophisticated and vital to the competitiveness of many companies their interlinked, global nature also makes them increasingly vulnerable to a range of risks.
The Ripple Effect, a new Deloitte global survey of 600 executives from manufacturing and retail companies around the world, examines the growing problems associated with supply chain.
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Dr Geoffrey Wells from the University of South Australia, has edited a new book entitled Read more

A new collaborative network of health organisations has agreed to joint action to raise awareness of the adverse health effects of Australia’s current minerals and energy policy at a meeting in Canberra this week.
Hosted by five national health organisations, the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA), National Rural Health Alliance.
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Whether you are a LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) company or a LOHAS shopper, you need to understand the megatrend of Conscious Capitalism — because it represents the larger economic context in which the critical trend of sustainability continues to unfold.
Patricia Aburdene's article explains why. She co-authored the number one New York Times bestseller.
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