By David Hodgkinson, University of Western Australia
This is part two of a three-part series that follows on from the release of the IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report), looking at emerging alternatives to the UN climate agreement process.
Since the climate change problem emerged as a major international issue in.
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Category Archives: Resources & links

By Rachel Alembakis for The Sustainability Report, 27 September 2013: The United Nations Statistics Division has developed an experimental ecosystem accounting system to quantify ecosystem services and conditions in physical and monetary terms. Although the proposed accounting system is initially intended for governmental use, accounting professionals say that it could be used to develop accounting.
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GRI has been ranked in the top three most widely used and respected sustainability frameworks, according to a new survey by thought leaders and business executives. GRI’s Guidelines were voted among the most helpful and beneficial reporting frameworks, alongside CDP and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), with 50 per cent of respondents identifying GRI.
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27 September 2013: The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Summary for Policymakers following the Twelfth Session of Working Group I (WGI-12) held from 23 to 26 September 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. The full report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is so long.
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By Frank Jotzo
The new Australian government is sacking the public service heads who implemented Australia’s carbon pricing scheme, and is closing institutions for climate change information and policy advice.
It risks further politicisation of the climate change issue in the public service. Keeping at the very least the Climate Change Authority as an independent.
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By Frank Jotzo
Australia’s new government is likely to repeal the carbon price, by striking a deal with crossbenchers in the Senate after July 2014, or possibly going to a special election if it looks electorally attractive. Still, carbon pricing remains the logical choice for Australia’s longer term climate policy.
Prime Minister Abbott has made it.
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