By Rachel Alembakis for The Sustainability Report, 27 September 2013: The United Nations Statistics Division has developed an experimental ecosystem accounting system to quantify ecosystem services and conditions in physical and monetary terms. Although the proposed accounting system is initially intended for governmental use, accounting professionals say that it could be used to develop accounting.
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Category Archives: Reporting
GRI has been ranked in the top three most widely used and respected sustainability frameworks, according to a new survey by thought leaders and business executives. GRI’s Guidelines were voted among the most helpful and beneficial reporting frameworks, alongside CDP and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), with 50 per cent of respondents identifying GRI.
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By Sara Bice, University of Melbourne
“Events over the past couple of years have raised profound questions about the ways in which banks and businesses contribute to society. For both to play their full part, they must restore trust and become better citizens in a publicly demonstrable way.” So writes disgraced Barclay’s CEO Bob Diamond.
18th July 2013: CDP (previously known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) today announce an alliance that will achieve greater momentum towards the evolution of better.
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21 June 2013,
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by Carol Adams, Monash University
Paul Druckman, the CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), recently led the coalition’s global charge on corporate reporting changes to Australia, where he bolstered support and talked uptake turkey with business leaders and officials.
“We’re not about more reporting, we’re about better reporting,” Mr Druckman.
More accountable and transparent business practices are needed if Europe is to make a strong and sustainable economic recovery, European Commissioner Michel Barnier said today. Barnier, the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, was speaking at the Global Reporting Initiative's 2013 Global Conference on Sustainability Reporting in Amsterdam, before an audience of 1,600 sustainability.
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American non-profit organisation, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board™ (SASB™) is engaged in the development and dissemination of industry-specific sustainability accounting standards.
SASB is establishing an understanding of material sustainability issues facing industries and creating sustainability accounting standards suitable for disclosure in standard tax filings.
SASB addresses the needs of the U.S..
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By Timothy Devinney, University of Technology, Sydney
The first decade of the 21st century has heightened interest in the ethical and social positioning of companies. However, one of the real dilemmas associated with the movement toward more “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) is the lack of any clear definition of what “social responsibility” means.
Even with the.
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