By Allan Fels, University of Melbourne: New data released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that Australians spent an estimated A$8 billion on mental health related services in 2013-14. The direct financial impact on Australian business is in the vicinity of $11 billion every year, largely due to absenteeism.
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Category Archives: Topics
[caption id="attachment_4099" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Enova founding partners Alison Crook, Steve Harris, Melissa MacCourt, and Patrick Halliday[/caption]
Enova Community Energy Ltd has become Australia’s first community-owned electricity supplier.
On 22 December 2015, the company announced a highly successful near.
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The CEFC has received an updated Investment Mandate that will come into effect 24 December 2015. A copy of the new Investment Mandate – entitled Clean Energy Finance Corporation (Investment Mandate) Directions 2015 (No.2) - can be found on Comlaw here:
The Investment Mandate was signed by the Ministers on 3 December 2015, was.
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4 December 2015: The National Energy Productivity Plan (NEPP) has been released by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council. Through the Plan, the Australian Government has set a National Energy Productivity Target to improve Australia’s energy productivity by 40% by 2030. The Plan presents a wide range of opportunities into a coordinated strategy.
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David L Levy, University of Massachusetts Boston
In the run-up to the much-anticipated COP21 international climate summit in Paris, business leaders worldwide have shown substantial support for action on greenhouse gases (GHG).The White House launched the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, with 81 companies representing US$5 trillion in market value committing.
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A 40 per cent increase in year-on-year Green Star certifications confirms that sustainability is here to stay says Romily Madew, CEO of the Green Building Council of Australia. Ms Madew has prepared the following snapshot of high achievers.
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) certified 216 Green Star projects in 2015, compared with 156 in.
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by Peter Burdon
Discussions at the Paris climate talks take place within incredibly narrow parameters. In fact, it would not be too great an exaggeration to say that the summit’s main purpose is to send the private sector a message about which way it should steer its future investments.
The financial press tends to be the most.
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Managing the transition to a sustainable economy needs to be planned and swift. This workshop will bring together leading academics from a range of fields, such as engineering, psychology and economics, to better understand the challenges faced by contemporary policymakers in creating a new energy economy that must inevitably emerge in the face of global.
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30 April 2015: 33 % of S&P/ASX200 companies still rate in the two lowest categories of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors’ annual review of sustainability disclosure. ACSI’s sustainability disclosure research, now in its eighth year with this 2015 report, assesses the level of public.
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30 January 2015: Integrated Reporting has a role to play in the shift from short-term capital markets to sustainable capital markets. As the World Economic Forum in Davos focused on "The New Global Context" such as climate change, big data and the increasing necessity to plan for the long term, Paul Druckman, CEO, IIRC was.
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