- Melbourne: Thursday, 8 August, 6:30PM at The Spot Basement Theatre, Melbourne University, 198 Berkely St Carlton. Read more

[caption id="attachment_3105" align="alignleft" width="1440"]
Prof Paul Meredith, GCI, UQ[/caption]
26 June 2013: A shift from coal-fired to gas-fired power generation will not significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions, new research by the Global Change Institute at The University of Queensland has found. Energy economics researcher.
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In brief:
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP), together with SustainAbility and the Green Light Group, has released a report titled 'GEO-5 for Business: Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Corporate Sector.' Based on UNEP's Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5), the report offers an analysis of specific risks faced by the construction, chemicals, mining, food and other.
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News story from GECA - Good Environmental Choice Australia
Consumers’ concerns about the use of palm oil, toxic chemicals and greenwashing in personal care products like shampoos and cosmetics have been addressed through the release of a new environmental standard by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA).
“Greater awareness has resulted in more consumers questioning what goes in.
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Green Star-rated buildings emit around a third of the greenhouse gas emissions and use a third of the electricity when compared with the average Australian building, a new report finds.
The Value of Green Star: A decade of environmental benefits, released by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) today, analyses data from 428 Green Star-certified.
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By Laura Eadie, University of Technology, Sydney
If I install solar panels and a car battery to run my air conditioner, should I pay higher electricity network fees? The electricity industry and Queensland’s Energy Minister would say yes, but is that equitable?
Scenarios like this expose inconsistencies between the way we pay for electricity poles and.
Australia's clean energy sector has taken an important step in its work with rural and regional communities to deliver jobs and investment, by releasing new wind Community Engagement Best Practice Guidelines and a community expectations guide on 30 May 2013.
Clean Energy Council (CEC) Chief Executive David Green said the guidelines were designed to encourage greater.
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By Will J Grant
Winter is coming, and all across the southern states eyes turn to energy bills and minds towards how to make them smaller. What is the most efficient way to heat your house?
As with anything to do with thermodynamics the answer is complicated, but there are some solid rules to help shape.