Helen Spiropoulos, University of Technology Sydney and Rebecca L. Bachmann, Macquarie University
What’s the easiest way to improve a company’s social and environmental performance? The unfortunate answer, from our analysis of Australian public companies, is to change the way you measure it. In particular, by changing what you said last year.
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By André Taylor
Sustainability leadership is a process of influence that delivers direction, alignment and commitment aimed at addressing social, environmental and economic issues to create a better world. It reminds us that leadership is not a position – it is a process of influence that involves a group of people working together to build a shared vision.
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Sybren Drijfhout, University of Southampton
As recently as 6,000 years ago the Sahara was green and fertile. We’ve found evidence of large rivers crossing the region, lined by flourishing settlements. Then suddenly things changed. Trees died and the land dried up. Soil blew away or turned into sand and those rivers were no.
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[caption id="attachment_4587" align="alignright" width="300"]
King George Square charging station in Brisbane (Photo courtesy of CitySmart)[/caption]
By Alison Potter for Choice: 'Going the distance' - 31 March 2017
Australians have been slow to embrace electric vehicles (EVs) compared to drivers.
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Every year, the Queensland Premier’s Sustainability Awards recognised the achievements of communities, schools, individuals, businesses and industries in adopting sustainable business practices. Now in its seventh year, the 2016 Premier’s Sustainability Awards raise the profile of business sustainability as a strategy for business competitiveness.
Nearly 150 nominations were received from across Queensland from businesses, rural landholders,.
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Green ICT ebook released
Posted by Ngaire

12 MAY 2016: Australia’s buildings can save billions of dollars and reach zero carbon emissions by 2050, with energy efficiency delivering over half the emissions reductions according to a new report by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC).
“Over the last decade energy efficiency delivered more than 100 petajoules in energy savings and $28 billion.
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[caption id="attachment_4320" align="alignright" width="234"]
Emma Herd, IGCC[/caption]
6 June 2016: The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) has published seven climate change policy priorities which investors believe are critical for managing risk and unlocking investment in low carbon finance opportunities.
“The seven policy priorities identified.
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