9 June 2015, Amsterdam. GRI, pioneer of the sustainability reporting process, has unveiled plans to expand its scope to catalyze the next era of sustainability reporting. These plans include a focus on four strategic priorities as well as a new brand to support this strategy. GRI already provides the world’s most trusted and widely used.
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30 April 2015: 33 % of S&P/ASX200 companies still rate in the two lowest categories of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors’ annual review of sustainability disclosure. ACSI’s sustainability disclosure research, now in its eighth year with this 2015 report, assesses the level of public.
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10 March 2015: A new report from ClimateWorks has found Australia could nearly double its energy productivity by 2030, delivering significant benefits to the economy and a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
ClimateWorks Australia Executive Director, Anna Skarbek said the report, Australia’s Energy Productivity Potential found.
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By Ana-Maria Bliuc, Monash University and Craig McGarty, University of Western Sydney
It can be tempting to think that people who disagree with you are mad, bad or simply stupid. However, not only are such judgements usually wrong, but telling people that they are stupid is unlikely to convince them of the.
30 January 2015: Integrated Reporting has a role to play in the shift from short-term capital markets to sustainable capital markets. As the World Economic Forum in Davos focused on "The New Global Context" such as climate change, big data and the increasing necessity to plan for the long term, Paul Druckman, CEO, IIRC was.
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3 October 2014: Standards Australia has published three new Australian energy audit standards. The Australian Standards replace AS/NZS 3598:2000, Energy audits, and assist organisations to decide on the appropriate type of audit for their activities.
Energy audits are an integral part of the energy management process. They determine how efficiently energy is being consumed, identify energy.
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17 October 2014: Community leaders have voiced support for ANU's right to divest. Escalating tensions have followed last week’s commitment by the Australian National University (ANU) to divest its sizable endowment from seven companies with questionable environmental credentials. A backlash emerged when companies blacklisted by ANU began to protest. These resource companies were not only.
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Did you miss the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Qld/ EcoBiz sustainable lighting webinar yesterday on lighting? No need to worry - access the recording here.
It was coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce (funded by the Queensland Government), facilitated by the University of Southern Queensland (Mike Gerlach) and delivered by.
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By Neville Nicholls, Monash University
Maurice Newman, chair of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council, has called for an independent review of the Bureau of Meteorology’s climate data, following a stream of recent articles in The Australian newspaper attacking the Bureau’s methods.
I support his call for an open and public inquiry into the.
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6 October 2014: Walmart announced a new commitment and plan to create a more sustainable food system during its recent Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting. The world’s largest retailer said it will reach the goal by improving the affordability of food for both customers and the environment, increasing access to food, making healthier eating easier, and.
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